Discover Your Voice
Sing Your Soul
Embark on a transformative journey at Soul Song Retreat, nestled in mystical natural surroundings around the world.
These retreats are potent, carefully-curated journeys into unlocking the power of your voice, using somatic practice, vocal empowerment tools and earth-based ritual.

Our Retreats
We provide unforgettable and tangibly impactful retreat experiences in jaw-dropping locations. Our retreats are carefully curated for those who wish to gain power in their voice, break through blockage and feel more freedom of expression in their lives.
Soul Song Retreat is a carefully curated process designed to support you to free your voice naturally, in a safe, loving container. Using activities such as vocal training, musical freeform and intentional song, you will gain confidence and inspiration to flow into your own creations.
At Soul Song, we use songwriting as a vehicle for vocal empowerment and self-expression. No matter what level of musicality, with some basic tools for songwriting you'll quickly feel supported to explore your own original material both in group and individual settings.
Upcoming Retreats

Why Soul Song?
Intimate Experience

Dive into a personal journey of self discovery in a beautiful environment that fosters deep connections.
Creative Liberation

Unlock your artistic potential with immersive workshops that take you out of your head and unleash your expression.
Soul Connection

Explore your spiritual depths and create a harmonious bond with your own voice and experiene your music as it comes through you.
Holistic Healing

Slow down and embrace your own wellness through sound healings, yoga, and mindfulness.
Natural Beauty

Find inspiration in the serene beauty of natural vibrant landscapes around our beautiful world.